Friday, July 30, 2010

lets do some good

readers, lets do small things for needies.

Sempena menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan Mubarak 1431H, ABIM Negeri Selangor akan menjalankan “Kempen Seorang Sekampit Beras” khusus untuk membantu fakir miskin di seluruh negara melalui huluran bantuan keperluan harian. Simbolik sekampit beras menggambarkan keperluan makanan asasi yang perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya bagi menampung keperluan untuk hidup terutama bagi mereka yang memerlukan.

Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. katanya Nabi s.a.w. bersabda : "Sesungguhnya apabila orang kafir mengerjakan kebajikan di dunia, dia diberi upah dengan amalnya itu berupa rezeki di dunia. Adapun orang Mukmin, maka pahala kebajikannya disimpan Allah Taala untuknya di akhirat serta diberinya rezeki di dunia berhubung dengan taatnya."

Bandingan (derma) orang-orang yang membelanjakan hartanya pada jalan Allah, ialah sama seperti sebiji benih yang tumbuh menerbitkan tujuh tangkai; tiap-tiap tangkai itu pula mengandungi seratus biji. Dan ingatlah, Allah akan melipatgandakan pahala bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya, dan Allah Maha Luas (rahmat) kurniaNya, lagi Meliputi ilmu pengetahuanNya.

PEJ/FAX : 03-55118994 / 019-3636394 / 012-3920132

Thursday, July 29, 2010


hello pretties.
i bought these adorable necklaces yesterday.

cantik kan?

both are from park avenue @ parkson.
they are having sales now, up to 50% discounts on their accessories.
i was spoilt for choice.
and lastly ended up with these two with 20% off.

but below is still my favourite.
last year's birthday gift from kak uteh, boi and zaret.

ye tak ye.
my birthday's coming.
it is just less than a month away, wow.
i haven't prepared my birthday wish list yet.
long necklaces surely will be in the list.
dijah, maybe you can start searching for one now.


managing overseas business ventures

summary of yesterday's talk.
this is things that i jotted down.
yang mana sempat and yang mana i found interesting.
some of these are from the Q&A session.

aviation industry:
- cost intensive
- labor intensive
- high level of regulations
- difficult to forecast; unstable
- technology intensive
- if you make it wrong, you'll lose a lot of money

airport industry:
--> construct and/or manage airport
- a lot more stable

what malaysia airport have learned from overseas venture:
- it's very very very important to choose the right partners
- need a lot of resources, of course
- no time to do research, sometimes it's all about the right judgements
- have to accept the fact that to gain some, you'll lose some
- do not deal with unions or governments of other countries, appoint locals to be the director
- everything is about business; it's not about running the airport efficiently, it's about how much money you can make from the airport
- talk to other organizations e.g. epf, tabung haji to be your partner especially for capital purpose

"run 1st class BUSINESS airport"
--> run airport well (operational)
--> at the end of the day, BUSINESS is about making profit

important keys:
- trust your partners
- get to know your partners, find chemistry, be comfortable with each other; if there's no chemistry, you definitely can't work with them
- aim for long-term relationship; must have give and take
- contract is only the foundation, sometimes one party will get more than the other; it's very difficult to get the exactly fair agreement; must be realistic
- inside the agreement, there must be a clause that if something goes wrong, there is a way to exit from the agreement

art of negotiation:
- must be very clear of what do you want
- must have clear mandate from the board on what to agree and what not to agree; still, must have some lehway to move which is agreed also among the board
- do not rush
- must know your strengths and weaknesses
- do not kill your partners, or one day they'll kill you back
- sometimes, you have to compromise; make your partner a happy man
- each culture has different way of negotiating

working life vs academic life:
- very different
- in case studies, you learned what other people have done
- at work, you need to know how to apply the knowledge
- you have to demonstrate that your knowledge are right
- knowledge is one thing, but the judgement is very crucial
- knowledge is important, but it's more important on how you apply the knowledge
- knowledge + experience + judgement + intuition

discipline is very important:
- have to be on time
- deadlines are important; if you cannot meet your deadlines, do not wait until you deadline's over, talk and discuss with your boss before deadlines (common mistakes made by many in working life)
- you must do what's right, not what you like
- get the work done or at least prepared before you do something else

attitude of nevermind:
- one time is okay, ten times are not!

you are good or not?
- it's not you who decide you do good or not, it's your peers and bosses
- if you think you are good, others might be better

- you don't become leader from the courses, it has to be developed
- you have to decide what kind of leader you wanted to be
- there are many with business degrees, but there's only one CEO in the company; you have to have leader attributes

right judgement vs rationale judgement:
- you must have rationale for decisions and for that you need knowledge
- judgment and knowledge have to tag along together
- opinions of others are very important in making decision

before you go into overseas venture:
- check you partner background
- check the country and government background
- check the risk from many aspects

knowledge or experience first?
- knowledge
- you can't make decision without knowledge
- get as much knowledge as you can before jump into working world

intuition vs strategic plans
- intuition is not superior
- it only comes in when you are not sure

speaker: tan sri bashir ahmad, managing director and CEO of malaysia airports holdings berhad

ohh i went to your program once!

hi, sorry for leaving my blog for what, a week?
i was and am too busy with school works and non-school works too.
the last entry was purely copy and paste post.
i practice copy and paste a lot actually, especially in doing assignment.
eh eh termengaku pulak.

yesterday, i attended a seminar at nilai springs resort.
actually, it was one of leadership series organized by the faculty.
the speaker was Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad, managing director and CEO of malaysia airports holdings berhad.
and the title was "managing overseas business ventures".

at first i thought that the topic is too big for me.
overseas ventures?
i'm no one in local business.
overseas business lah konon.

but since i never participated in any of leadership series before, i've decided to go for this one.
this is my last semester, i have to support my faculty activities.
at least after this i can say, ohh i went to your program once!
hihi sekali pun dah boleh buat berlagak.

overall, it was very good and not boring at all.
i've got quite a new knowledge from the talk.
i slept at 430am the night before (damn you assignments), woke up at 700am, i supposed to be very sleepy lah kan.
but i was not.
so you just imagine how interesting the talk was.
okay, tak payah imagine lah, buat apa nak imagine kan.

i'll share with my readers the content of the talk anyway after this.
in the next entry, maybe?

have a nice day!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

behind every great man is a greater woman

behind every great man is a greater woman.
just like my parents.
my ayah is a great man.
but there's always a greater woman behind his success, my mama.

happy 35th anniversary to both of them.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

pertahanan diri, keluarga dan harta benda

info taken from Darussyifa's website.
of "benteng pertahanan diri, keluarga dan harta benda".

Ada lima jenis benteng pertahanan diri, keluarga dan harta benda yang boleh diamalkan seperti berikut:
i. Al-Muawwizat
ii. Ayatul Kursi
iii. Ayat 1 hingga 9 Surah Yaasin
iv. Ayat Berkubu
v. Ayat Penggerak


1. Surah Al-Ikhlas
2. Surah Al-Falaq
3. Surah An-Naas

1. Lunjurkan kaki ke arah Qiblat
2. Mengangkat dua tangan seperti berdoa
3. Baca ayat-ayat Muawwizat sehingga selesai (tidak termasuk membaca Surah Al-Fatihah)
4. Tarik nafas kemudian tiup pada tapak tangan sehingga habis nafas
5. Tarik sikit nafas kemudian tahan nafas sambil menyapu tapak tangan keseluruh anggota badan yang boleh dicapai kecuali anggota sulit.
6. Lakukan sekali sebelum tidur & selepas solat subuh setiap hari


Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya), tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi. Tiada yang dapat memberi syafaat di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya. Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka, dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya, dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar. (Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 255)

1. Baca Ayatul Kursi dengan 9 wakaf
2. Untuk melindungi diri sendiri: selepas baca ayatul kursi tiup disekeliling mengikut pergerakan tawaf kaabah, dengan niat melindung diri.
3. Untuk melindungi rumah: baca ayatul kursi sambil berjalan mengelilingi rumah (mengikut pergerakan seperti tawaf kaabah). Berjalan sama ada didalam atau diluar rumah.


(1) Yaa Siin. (2) Demi Al Qur'an yang penuh hikmah, (3) sesungguhnya kamu salah seorang dari rasul-rasul, (4) (yang berada) di atas jalan yang lurus, (5) (sebagai wahyu) yang diturunkan oleh Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Penyayang, (6) agar kamu memberi peringatan kepada kaum yang bapak-bapak mereka belum pernah diberi peringatan, karena itu mereka lalai.(7) Sesungguhnya telah pasti berlaku perkataan (ketentuan Allah) terhadap kebanyakan mereka, karena mereka tidak beriman. (8) Sesungguhnya Kami telah memasang belenggu di leher mereka, lalu tangan mereka (diangkat) ke dagu, maka karena itu mereka tertengadah. (9) Dan Kami adakan di hadapan mereka dinding dan di belakang mereka dinding (pula), dan Kami tutup (mata) mereka sehingga mereka tidak dapat melihat.

1. Untuk memegar diri, keluarga dan harta benda
2. Berdiri disatu penjuru rumah (katakan dihadapan rumah sebelah kanan) sambil menghadap penjuru rumah satu lagi iaitu dikiri rumah. Baca surah Al-fatihah diikuti Surah Yaasin ayat 1~9. Sambil baca, sambil berjalan menuju kepenjuru rumah satu lagi. (Ikut arah Tawaf Kaabah). Baca kombinasi ini di setiap penjuru iaitu sampai bertemu penjuru yang mula-mula. Jumlahnya 4 kali. Akhir sekali baca kombinasi ini sambil mengisyarat mendinding keseluruhan bumbung rumah.


Aku berlindung dengan Allah daripada syaitan yang direjam. Aku berkubu dengan kubu Tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah dan nabi Muhamad RasululLah.

1. Berdiri menghadap kiblat (ke arah barat). Baca ayat ini kemudian tiup sehingga habis nafas ke hadapan sambil menoleh kanan ke kiri.
2. Pusing ke arah kiri (sekarang berdiri ke arah selatan), Baca ayat ini kemudian tiup sehingga habis nafas ke hadapan sambil menoleh kanan ke kiri.
3. Lakukan perkara yang sama untuk arah timur dan utara
4. Berpaling semula ke arah kiblat, baca lagi kemudian tiup kebawah sehingga habis nafas. Baca lagi kemudian tiup kearah atas sehingga habis nafas
5. Akhir sekali (bacaan yang ke-7), baca ayat ini kemudian tarik nafas dan tahan nafas seberapa lama yang boleh kemudian hembus.


Dengan nama Allah, yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu dibumi juga dilangit dan Dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui.

1. Bila hendak pergi kesesuatu tempat yang berisiko atau merbahaya, atau bermusafir atau balik kampung atau hendak membuat sesuatu perkerjaan yang berisiko atau pulang kerumah daripada melakukan sesuatu perkerjaan yang berisiko, maka baca ayat ini tujuh kali.
2. Jika bacaan tersekat-sekat atau ada gangguan ketika membaca ayat ini, berehat dahulu. Setelah berehat baca lagi sehingga tujuh kali bacaan lancar baru teruskan perjalanan atau perkerjaan tersebut.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

what would you do if you got a lot richer?

what would you do if you got a lot richer?

a lot tau bukan 2k or 3k richer.
contohnya menang jutawan power root ke, jangan lupa lirik ke, tetibe orang salah bank in sejuta masuk akaun kita ke (jangan percaya contoh-contoh ni tau).

i am a realist after all.
but it does no harm to dream, girls!

dreaming is actually one of the steps of meeting your goal.
the typical steps we've always heard are by setting goal and making plans to meet the goal.
but how about imagining how meeting the goal will change you or how it'll make you feel?

so that got me thinking of listing what i'd do if i got a lot richer.
it is actually one kind of motivation for me to make plan of actions in order to be rich.

so below are things that i can think of right now.
the list is randomly sorted anyway.

- get married.
- bayar hutang yuran belajar kat ayah.
- bayar hutang kereta kat ayah.
- sponsor spa and boutique for upgrades and renovations.
- buy a nice house.
- buy a new car.
- buy properties for passive income.
- bagi mama duit banyak-banyak.
- bagi adik-adik duit banyak-banyak.

okay, itu je yang terfikir setakat ni.

i've to go to class. tolong sambung. bye.

addicted to body scrub

it has been 4 months since i started my routine to go for body scrub, weekly.
and paling-paling pun, once in 2 weeks.

i love body scrubbing because it gives me a refreshing feeling after every session.
not only the feeling of refreshment, body scrub is so much important for women to maintain the young looking skin. cewah.
most importantly, it removes dead skin cells, promotes new cells and improves blood circulation.

my favorite place for body scrub other than Seputeh Kapas Spa is located at Seksyen 9, Bandar Baru Bangi.
i have already made friends with some of the spa therapists there.
my favorite is kak enni, second is kak yanie and the least one is kak emma.
tangan kak emma kuat sangat, kak yanie lembut sangat and kak enni sederhana.
and that's why i like kak enni's touch the most.
while at Seputeh Kapas Spa, i prefer Seha's than Azza's sebab Azza lembut sangat.

back to kak enni, kak yanie and kak emma which i mentioned above.
selalunya kak enni yang buat i (there were like 10 times dah kut).
and kak emma pernah buat i 2 kali je sebab kak enni ada customer masa tu.

and today is my very first time with kak yanie.
she actually tak perasan pun i selalu datang before this.

surprisingly, while scrubbing just now, she complimented on my skin.
she said, "kulitnya bagus sekali, selalu ke scrub badan?".
and i replied, "ye ke bagus? selalu juga"
she said, "iya, nampak macam selalu scrub badan sebab bahagian-bahagian yang biasanya gelap nampak tak gelap macam kebanyakan customer".

waaa i was so happy (and still kinda happy at the moment) sebab tak sia-sia i pergi body scrub tiap-tiap minggu.

okay, moral of this entry, i nak cerita ada orang puji i tadi.
eh tak, silap silap silap.
moralnya, don't judge a book by its cover, muke berjerawat tak semestinya badan berkarat.
eh tak jugak ngee.
the moral is, go for body scrub and make it as your routine, insyaAllah you'll get the benefit after some time.

speaking of body scrub, you can enjoy body scrub at Seputeh Kapas Spa at only RM45 for 40 minutes treatment.
the uniqueness of our body scrub is, we use two kinds of scrubs for each session.
for the first type, you can choose either to use lemon salt scrub (for body whitening), milk salt scrub (for body smoothening), lavender salt scrub (for body calming) or green tea salt scrub (for body detoxifying).
while the second type is herbal scrub to polish your skin.
so after 40 minutes of treatment, you will feel so much energetic, refreshed and your skin will be definitely smoother.

i guarantee you will enjoy the session and somewhat addicted to it, just like me.

pic taken from

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

happy birthday, twins!

in most relationships between twins, there will be one who normally takes the lead.
it is always the loud one + the shy one.

and so do my sisters.

i have twin sisters, tiah and timah.

- independent, original, analytical, and determined.
- has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action.
- has very high standards for their performance, and the performance of others.
- natural leader, but will follow if she trusts existing leaders.
- outspoken.
- driven to lead.
- able to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions.
- excel at public speaking.

- serious, quiet and sensitive.
- interested in security and peaceful living.
- extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable.
- well-developed powers of concentration.
- well-organized and hard working.
- works steadily towards identified goals.
- tends to stick to things until done.
- not interested in leading or controlling others.

today is their 31st birthday.
hence, this entry on them.
and birthdays are never complete until you've said 'happy birthday' to the birthday girls.

so, happy birthday to the lovely big sisters.
i wish you two a great year ahead.

can you tell me which one is the loud one and which is the shy one from the above pic?

oh and by the way, for the birthday present, me and my other siblings bought them a pillow.
yes, a pillow!
but it was not a normal rm30 pillow.
it was an "enhance memory pillow", a therapeutic pillow from AKEMI.
good for their necks, their backs and their memory.
haha, an ideal present for women in their 30s.

my favorite beauty treatment

“what’s your favourite treatment?”.
as a spa consultant i've been asked this question like hundreds of times.
generally, often we hear things like "i don't know, i like everything", "saya suka semuanya", "susah nak cakap, semua best" and bla bla bla.

tapi kalau saya, saya mesti jawab "crystal peeling!".
i didn't give the answer because it is the most profitable treatment.
it was not pun.
crystal peeling IS my favorite treatment among all that we've offered at Seputeh Kapas Spa, really.

hence, i put it at our website's homepage.
tak aci betul, berat sebelah.

what's crystal peeling?
- also known as microdermabrasion.
- is one of the most effective treatments available today that have been tested and proven to show visible results in repairing skin damages.
- it stimulates the basal cell layers to build new, functional skin cells.
- new skin cells move upwards to the skin surface to replace the scarred and damaged tissue.
- skin cell renewal and regeneration is thus achieved.

how does crystal peeling benefit me?
- immediate, visible results.
- exfoliate dead skin cells and stimulates new, functional skin cells.
- improved skin tone and appearance as local blood micro-circulation is stimulated.
- repair skin damages such as scarring (caused by acne, burning, etc.), wrinkles, skin aging, age spots, pigmentation, sun damages, enlarged pores and so forth.
- skin rejuvenation is further enhanced as the new, functional skin cells absorb beauty and anti-aging creams far more effectively.

good news peeps, good news.
now we are having promotion for crytal peeling.

from 1st until 31st july 2010, you can enjoy crystal peeling at about rm40 per treatment.
normal price was rm60 per treatment.
so, how?
it is really a good news, no?

click on the pic below or you can simply go to our website at for details.

Friday, July 9, 2010

26 random things about me

1. i smile when i'm nervous. for example when making presentation in front of the class, i smile to make me less nervous. and it works.
2. i love seeing women in high heels. but personally, i'm always in flatties because i cannot walk comfortably in high heels and i hate the after-effect of cracked heels.
3. i never took off my watch. i wear it all the time. yes, all the time.
4. i love accessories e.g. ring, bracelet, necklace, etc. but once i take them off, i always forget to wear it back. and that tells why i never took off my watch actually.
5. i hate putting things on my lips. and that answers why i don't wear lippies or glosses. but i have quite many of them. and i don't know when i can finish them up.
6. my face shape is actually rectangle and i think it is quite manly for a woman. so i hide my jaws with the scarf to make my face look more oval and feminine.
7. i am a person who needs a lot of time for myself. i don't know whether later i will be a good mother or not because i love having my own 'space'.
8. i am a stubborn daughter. like my parents always said to me.
9. i like to be different from other people.
10. i love singing. i sing in the car, at the karaoke and in my room. i can say that i have quite a good tone but sometimes out of pitch, you know.
11. i was into art when i was young. i played melodian for my school band. i took part in stage performances like pantomin, acting, storytelling, dancing, nasyid, etc. i joined art and drawing class even though i'm not that good in drawing.
12. i had my first 'boyfriend' during my standard 5 back in primary school. gatal. and he's now a doctor.
13. i once good at remembering people's names, birthdays, numbers, directions, etc. my friends used to say that i have a very good memory. but now the ability to memorize has become lower and i don't know why. maybe because of the age. damn you, age.
14. i hardly save number in my phone. i mean, i don't make it as my habit. so everytime my friend text me, i have to reply "siapa ni?".
15. i don't read newspaper. i just go through the headlines, pictures, and pic's captions. but different case with pancaindera or b-pop. oh and yes, i like to read advertisements.
16. i don't cook because i live with my parents. but back then in germany, i always cook. in fact, i always invite my friends to come over to my place to eat because i love cooking and i need my friends to eat the foods, if not i'll become fat in no time. not only cooking, i also love baking.
17. i don't do exercise other than window shopping. i wish i enjoyed exercise and i always imagine of me going to the gym everyday. but, it stucks in my imagination. haha. ohh, and i don't play sports.
18. i like fruity fragrances more than woodsy, herbal, floral, and spicy ones.
19. i've gone through driving test for 3 times. yes, i failed twice for jalanraya and i'm still holding the biggest loser record in the family.
20. i need a comforter or blanket or anything to make me sleep. i can't sleep without anything on me.
21. i have an ugly injection (BCG) scar on my arm.
22. my blood type is O positive.
23. i took five years of Arabic in high school and one year of German language course but i'm bad in both. i think i was not born to learn other languages.
24. when i was a child, i wanted to be a news presenter or a tv host when i grow up because at that time, i thought of marrying a prince or a king and that's the only way that came across my mind for letting the prince or king to notice my existence.
25. i prefer something tasteless than something too sweet.
26. i'll be 26 years old this august, 25th.

at first i wanted to write on "10 random things about me".
but as i started writing, i felt that i've so many things to share, so the numbers are increasing and increasing.
in fact, 26 are not enough because i still have many things to say about me.
you know, once you wrote a thing about yourself, other things started to pop up from your mind.

but, did anyone bother to know about me?
haha of course, no one bother.

so i stopped at 26.

and i hope this is my lucky number.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

loosen up!

gambar hiasan, taken from

do you remember this entry? -> i can't stand the heat

in that, i gave you tips on how to deal with hot weather which i found over the internet.
the very first one is to wear cool clothing; light-weight, light-colored, loose-fitting, natural fabrics e.g. cotton.

i've been practicing that for months and i think it really works.

my clothes are now mostly cottons or at least mixed cottons.
i am no more into lycras or jerseys like i used to.

i have quite a collection of lycra and jersey clothes which i brought back from germany.
you know, ones that are tight and hug the body.
aww tak sopan lah.

what i'm aiming for is enough room to allow air flow as i move about normally.
not that i am wearing clothes that are two sizes bigger than mine.
but i am more into loose-fitting clothes nowadays.
i want to encourage airflow so that the sweat on my skin evaporates.
plus point, sopan lagi tau.

it is known that layering is one of the styles that we have to avoid during hot weather.
but still, i don't avoid layering since i love the look so much.

actually, the one that we have to avoid is wearing inner inside of other top.
you know, the long sleeve stretchable top that we normally wear with short-sleeved or see-through tops.

instead of wearing inner, i do layering by wearing cardigans.
and i amat cinta oversized, long cardigans.
please pay attention to the fabrics of the cardigans.
make sure it is cotton or mixed cotton.
lagipun, the style is in trend, so why not?

to date, i already have 5 of long cardis.
i have it in brown (2), purple, blue and black.
it has been more than 4 months since i started practicing the style.
and that is considered long enough as i'm not loyal when it comes to fashion.

the problem now is, i'm boring with my current hijab style.
i tried to change it but normally i'll be back to the same style again as i don't feel comfortable in the new ones.

what i need now is a more loose look without reveal flesh though.
i like the one i pasted above, from maysaa.
but too bad, with the shipping cost, i can get another maysaa's scarf.

so, using the current ones, i let it be a bit loose, but still covered.

and i'm loving it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

wedding favor

gambar hiasan

a friend asked for a favor; to survey for her wedding door gift.
suka suka suka~

i tak gemar goodie bag.
i tauhu many of my friends pun tak gemar goodie bag.
akan tetapi, many of the parents suka bagi goodie bag.
kan kan? setuju atau tidak?

personally, i prefer something simple and lovely.
just a small gift for the attendances ;}

candle white rose
cherry blossom coaster
personalized choc
heart to heart measuring spoon
rose candle ball
love candle

eh macam berat sebelah ke arah candle je.

Monday, July 5, 2010

hijab styles & islamic clothings

blog hopping and i found these cool blogs.

Stylish Muslimah

and this
Style Covered

many tips, info, and most importantly pictures of beautiful hijab styles and islamic clothings.

okay, kalau dah kaya nak tukar image.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

at-home spa

do you enjoy spa treatments, but can't afford the time to go to spa salons?
like suddenly feel like pampering yourself in the middle of the night ke ape ke.

here, i want to share with my blog readers (masalahnye, ade ke? hihi) on how to create a spa experience at your own home.

cara orang kaya:
- purchase a good set of plush Egyptian cotton towels, slippers and bathrobe.
- purchase a massage chair.
- install infra red sauna in your bathroom.
- install whirlpool tubs, jacuzzi or pool.
- install heated towel racks or purchase a towel heather, so that your towels feel nice and toasty warm.
- install waterproof sound system in your bathroom and play some soothing spa music.
- install a nice granite or marble vanity top and decorate it with dried potpourri.
- light up some scented candles.
- finally, enjoy your massage, sauna and jacuzzi.

cara orang kebanyakan macam i (bahan2 boleh curi dari dapur ye):
- relax your tired feet with homemade foot soak. add 1 cup honey to 1 gallon or baldi/besen warm water for a great foot soother with natural, antisceptic qualities. plus, a great stress reliever, too.
- cut fresh oranges, slough dry skin off heels, knees, and elbows.
- in a large bowl, combine 1 cup oat, 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric, 3 tablespoons rose water, 1 cup orange juice, and 1/2 cup water; stir to blend. work the scrub all over your face and body. rinse with warm water. ah kalau malas beli je face and body scrub mana-mana.
- have a relaxing face and eye mask. try natural yoghurt or egg white and honey for face and cucumber or teabags for eyes.
- sleep in scented candles lighted in your room.

kalau malas jugak?
just find time to go to the nearest spa salons lah.