Saturday, June 12, 2010

stressful weeks have ended

after 3 stressful weeks, finally my exams have ended.
frankly, they all did not go that great.
okay la, biasa2 je macam biasa2.

i got 3 papers last week - HR Management, Organizational Theory & Design and OB.
and my last exam was just now - Business Research Method.
ohh by the way i did not do much studies on the last paper (if i am to compare with other papers).
i don't know, maybe i was already in holiday mood.
i don't expect much from the paper actually.
but luckily the questions are more to common sense and general views.
so i managed to goreng2 a bit here and there. phew.

but honestly, i'm so poor in time management.
not only in my daily life, but also in exams.
i normally will spend too much of the given time on the 1st part of the paper.
and so little time for the 2nd part of the paper.

pastuh setiap kali lepas exam menyesal dan berjanji lain kali nak jawab cepat2 tak nak fikir pasal tulisan buruk ataupun pen kaler2.
tapi tiap kali exam pun same. ptuih.

and the stressful weeks weren't actually just because of the exams and projects & assignmentssss to be finished.
my sayang was away for 2 weeks for a family trip.
saket hati bila stress tapi takde tempat nak mengadu domba. ceh gedik kau.

but now he's back baybeh.
he got me 2 shawls from tie rack london.
ah sebab the promotion was 2 for 20 pounds.
how i wish it was 4 for 30 pounds ke ape kan.
itu sahaja! itu sahaja sebab kami mahu mengumpul wang ye.

and this is the shawl.

nice kan?
another one is in pink.
ohh he knows my favorite colors :">


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